
Red Arrow goes GREENer

We are part of a global initiative “My Blog is Carbon Neutral” and as a further step joined UNO Go Green! Declaration

“My blog is carbon neutral” is an initiative, originally started in Germany by the “Make it Green” programme, that has the goal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. We plant a tree for your blog and thereby neutralise your blog’s carbon footprint for the next 50 years! Everyone can make a small contribution to the environment. Every tree counts!

Декларація ООН Go Green!

What that means for us

  • following the basics of ‘the green office’: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • green Advertising
  • Green Print and Digitalization

What steps are already made

From now and on all the document circulation tends to turn paperless in Red Arrow Studio. For that we have already inform our counterparties and partners that we request the documents involved to be signed via digital services such as Vchasno.ua or SmallPDF signature or ready to subscribe to any other available service to facilitate a smooth filling procedure.

The biggest step in going greener we have made is a U-turn in learning material format. By now 90% of the study material is digitalized. Tests, reports and feedbacks are automated and accessible on our EnglishU platform for all the participants of the learning-teaching process in Red Arrow.

The litter recycling  and Climate Savers Computing initiatives among employees are also supported in forms of sorting, stashing and recycling the litter, PC displays switch off, hard discs sleep regimes.


What we are heading to

make paper-based document circulation in our company equal to zero.

make study materials 100% digital

support national green initiatives as a part of our corporate culture


Sincerely yours,

Red Arrow Team

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